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玩過機器人的學生及幼兒都知道,國際奧林匹亞機器人大賽(WRO)與FIRST機器人大賽,是全世界最重要的兩項機器人比賽。今年七月,FIRST全球總決賽在美國首府華盛頓D.C.舉行,由6名阿富汗女生組成的機器人隊伍,最終獲得銀牌肯定。她們克服萬難來到美國參賽的故事,鼓舞了其他也熱愛機器人的女孩。讓我們先來一起聽聽她們的故事。今年七月,FIRST全球總決賽在美國首府華盛頓D.C.舉行。歐新社 分享 facebook 阿富汗女生隊 參賽獲獎圓夢The Afghanistan all-girls robotics team had trouble getting into the USA. When the six girls, aged 14-16, finally got in, they only had two weeks to build their robot. Other teams had almost four months! Even though they had a slow start, the Afghan team won the silver medal out of 150 different countries.這支由6名14至16歲阿富汗女孩組成的機器人隊伍,一開始就遇到了麻煩,她們不被允許入境美國。確定可以參賽後,她們只剩兩個禮拜可以製作機器人,其他隊伍卻有4個月可以好好準備。與來自150多個國家的隊伍一起比賽,阿富汗女生隊雖然起步較慢,但最後獲得了銀牌。˙robotics 和機器人有關的知識或技術不要只把機器人當作玩具There is more to robots than just making two of them fight. Robot battles might be cool to boys, but most girls aren’t interested in these things. Girls are usually more interested in robots that help people. That’s good news for robotics! Teachers and students everywhere are learning how important girls’ ideas will be in the future of robots.製作機器人,可不只是讓它們打架而已。男生或許覺得會打架的機器人很酷,但大多數的女生可不這麼認為。女生通常較感興趣的,是會照顧人類的機器人。對機器人學習領域而言,這是天大的好消息!全世界的老師和學生,正開始了解到,女孩們的創意和想法,對機器人未來的發展非常重要。科技冷冰冰女孩不愛?The all-girls robotics team from Afghanistan showed the world how well girls can do in science and technology. In the past, mostly boys have been interested in things like robots and computers. That can make it hard for a girl who likes these things. Girls everywhere can learn so much by joining an all-girls robotics team, like design, problem solving and leadership. 阿富汗女生隊的好表現,告訴了全世界:女孩在科學及科技領域,也可以表現優異。以往,大部分的男孩很迷機器人及電腦,這對同樣也喜歡這兩件事物的女生造成一些困擾。其實,參加都由女生組成的機器人隊伍,也可以學到很多東西,例如設計、如何解決問題及培養領導能力。STEAM教育的最佳學習工具In the future, it’ll be very important to know the STEAM fields. STEAM means science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. Learning about and building robots is a great way to use STEAM in real life. Instead of just memorizing from a book, you can learn by doing. When your robot works, you can see that your hard work paid off!STEAM教育未來非常重要。STEAM指的是科學(S)、科技(T)、工程(E)、藝術人文(A)及數學(M)。學習機器人相關知識及製作機器人,可幫助我們把STEAM的知識與技能,運用在實際生活上,你不是在死記課本,而是從「做」中「學」。機器人做好時,你會發現,付出的努力,得到很大的回報。˙pay off 得到回報入門其實沒那麼難If you can play with Legos, then you can build robots too! Daniella, an American girl in seventh grade, wants to be a robotics engineer for NASA when she grows up. In the meantime, she and her all-girls team just competed in the national level of the World Robot Olympiad on September 9. Their robot was made from Lego bricks, “which just made it even better. There are gears and motors that are also made out of Legos,” said Daniella.會玩樂高積木,就能組裝機器人。丹妮拉是一位七年級美國女生,她夢想長大後,可以成為美國航空及太空總署的機器人工程師。她與機器人女生隊的其他隊友,今年9月9日參加國際機器人大賽(WRO)的全美國決賽,用樂高積木做成機器人。「這再好不過了,」丹妮拉說:「就連齒輪和馬達也是樂高做的。」˙gear 齒輪 ˙motor 馬達專題企畫、中文翻譯/Jason Young文/Sloan Sabbith (本文轉載自【新一代兒童週報】009期)

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